Brethren, as we conclude our 21 days of prayer and fasting, I want to emphasis that fasting is mainly meant for our Personal Transformation.
Fasting is not about skipping meals.
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that invites us to dive into a deeper relationship with God.
Fasting is an opportunity to humble ourselves, examine our hearts, and seek genuine transformation.
True fasting is not about outward appearances:
It’s about an “Inward Shift”.
A change from within.
True fasting is about purging our lives of negative energy:– envy, greed, anger, bitterness, evil cravings, malice: – and replacing them with love, compassion and humility.
Fasting should leave us changed and transformed.
Fasting is meant to break the bondage of bad habits, thereby empowering us to live with re-newed purpose and a deeper relationship with God.
”Fasting is a spiritual discipline that invites us to dive into a deeper relationship with God.”
Any Outward Change without a corresponding Inward Transformation does not last.
Your Change of Story begins where your Personal Transformation begins.

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)